Thursday, March 5, 2009

School closed for a class-act Houdini

On Monday, most of the school systems in North Georgia were closed for a snow day. Granted, we only got less than an inch of snow, but school systems and some universities thought it best to close school, lest we get in a car wreck, since nobody here knows what to do when it snows.

When I say "some" universities, it should be obvious Kennesaw State was not one of those universities.

Well, the following day, we got our snow day. Instead of watching the snow fall, however, we watched Kennesaw State's finest search high and low for a short man wearing "black pants and a blue jacket", which coincidentally describes many of the police officers on campus.

Turns out that a Tennessee Sheriff's Deputy was transporting an inmate from Florida back into Tennessee to stand trial. The deputy was hungry, so he stopped at a Waffle House a few hundred feet from campus to grab some lunch. He left the inmate in the back of the car, which had no divider between the backseat and the front seats. Chris Gay, the inmate, managed to escape his handcuffs, leg shackles, and waist shackles and made a run for campus (I might add that he was not wearing a prisoner's jumpsuit, but was wearing the above mentioned black pants and blue jacket).

Two hours later, KSU decided classes were to be canceled for the rest of the day as both the KSU Police and 100 Cobb County Police searched high and low all over the campus. I barely managed to leave school before a complete lockdown was issued.

Two days later, they still haven't found him. Turns out this man has quite a record; he escaped custody a while back, stole a Walmart tractor trailer and drove it to Nashville, TN, where he stole a tour bus owned by some supposedly famous singer, who's name escapes my mind. After driving that bus down to Clearwater, FL (while the occupants thought he was the real bus driver), he was stopped and arrested. After being arrested, he was to be transported to Tennessee, but made a short (or long?) stop in Kennesaw. I'm sure by the time the 2 police helicopters and 4 news helicopters were over campus, he was half way across the state in another stolen vehicle.


Anonymous said...

Yee haw! Makes you want to be in law enforcement doesn't it?

Leah said...

wow, that is maybe i shouldn't laugh...