Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Taste of Fall

Last Saturday Heather put together an outing to the northern mountains, to apple-picking country. It was a beautiful fall day, perfect for our romp through the orchards.

We picked our quota of Rome Beauty, Golden Delicious, and Gala apples, and the little ones thought it was really neat to pick apples right off the trees! And then to eat them right in the orchard too. Patrick chomped down at least three whole apples by himself. (He eats them straight through, core and all.)

Papa helps Patrick reach the fruit.

Later, the guys enjoyed watching the apple cannon.

And then there were the sticks to throw and drag and shoot. And yelling to be done from the big rock.

We all contributed to a lavish picnic lunch under the pavilion...
...and Heather and the boys finished the day with a free hay ride around the orchard.