Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Boys

Look who came to visit!They LOVE fruit, and they would probably eat all I had if I let them.

Luke volunteered to sweep the stairs and patio. I won't tell him that most people consider it work.

And then there's the back hill to play on. What boy can resist a leaf-covered hill?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Building at Church

I helped our Facilities Manager build shelves in a closet at church. First we covered the studs with sheathing, and then we built a stack of six deep shelves at one end. Finally, we installed a closet rod with a shelf above it.

This is an improvement to a pair of closets, each about 10 feet long, in the gym. We plan to store costumes, props, and other theatrical supplies for the childrens' Sunday School program in the closets.

Still to go: more stacked shelving at the far end of the second closet.