Saturday, May 30, 2009


A little mowing and edging and weeding, then a relaxing day on the patio, enjoying the beautiful weather. And a very busy little boy.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Ants Go Marching...

The Ant-Crusher at work, ridding our house of thousands upon thousands of unwanted ants!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

School's Over

Finals were over in early in May, then Greta immediately started May Term. She took Pych. That's over now too, but final grades aren't posted yet. Here are the results of her spring semester's work in Advanced Ceramics:

David finished his Freshman year by getting a delivery job at Napa Auto Parts. He says it's rather boring, but he likes the paycheck.

He also played his pipes at one of the four graduation ceremonies at school. No one knew he would be playing, so he got a few surprised looks. This weekend he's off in CA playing his bagpipes in cousin Danica's wedding. I can't wait to hear all about it. (And maybe add a picture.)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Secretary David

Yesterday afternoon, I was invited to attend the last regular Student Government Association meeting for the semester to see David sworn in as Executive Secretary. He ran unopposed, as did the entire slate of officers. (That's the new Treasurer being sworn in next to him.)

Greta decided not to run for the fall, so she is rolling off. But she plans to stay involved as an executive page or something. Her friend Daniel is now President.