Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jared and Luke

I went up to Chattanooga on Monday to babysit Luke while Heather took Jared to the doctor. Jared was glad to have his arm cast removed and a brace put on. He also had the stitches removed from both his wrist and his knee. He still has the leg brace, but he is allowed to take it off completely when he wants. He is allowed to put weight on his knee, as much as is comfortable.

Jared was disappointed to hear from his employer that he cannot go back to work until he has a note from his doctor saying he is allowed to drive. And the doctor said no driving until his knee is at 60 degrees, with an evaluation again at the May appt. So Heather continues to keep very busy doing all the housekeeping, child care, employment, errands, etc.

While his mommy and daddy were gone, I taught Luke how to play Peek-A-Boo. It's funny what gets grandparents excited, huh? Luke learned to put the blanket over his face and pull it off over and over. He thought it was so funny. I love to hear him laugh.

He is a bundle of energy in constant motion. I took lots of pictures and most of them are blurry because one body part or another was flying around. Here is one of the few I caught between flings:
This is what he really looked like:

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