Friday, September 28, 2007

Computer Death

I had a 2-day garage sale a few days ago. On Friday, the first day, a Mr.-Fix-It type man asked if I had any old laptops I didn't want anymore. I told him I had an old laptop, but I still needed it since I couldn't afford a new one yet. But maybe at my next garage sale?

After the sale was over I went to the computer and I couldn't log in. Turns out, according to the resident computer experts, the screen went bad. Things could come up, but they wouldn't show up on the black screen. That leaves me the only computerless person in the house. So I bounce around from computer to computer, snatching time on any unoccupied screen when I can. Borrowing for too long is apparently unacceptable to the other computer owners, so my new computer is on its way. I think this one will officially be considered my computer.

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