Friday, December 22, 2006

The Wrap-Up

Christmas was easy this year, lots of people wanted things that were available off the Internet. Ahh, the ease of clicking over to various vendors, make the order, with an instant confirmation sent to my email box. And then I can track the package as it makes its Christmas pilgrimage from the vendor to our house. The route can be amusing, especially on ground shipping.

The hard part of Christmas for me has always been wrapping presents. Look at the red package with the green bow on the upper left. Neat, huh? Adie wraps presents that look like that. Mine, well, in the South there is a name used to describe someone who does not have finesse, who is rather uncouth -- Bubba. My presents look like presents from Bubba. I'm as talented as an orangutan. I can't cut wrapping paper straight, I misestimate the amount of paper needed to cover the gift and have to patch with more paper. Then ribbon. Adie and Greta can make such wonderful bows. I could describe one mathematically, but to implement one with my hands is another story.

Adie has been patiently trying to teach me how to wrap. I learned a little trick this morning from her. The presents I wrapped today look a little better. Bubba Christmas presents after a week at finishing school. They still look like Bubba wrapped them, but slightly better.

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