Saturday, October 3, 2009

Greta the Art Teacher

Every Friday I co-teach Art History to 15 late elementary school homeschool kids. Every Friday morning, I bounce out of bed eager to hear what hilarious things those kids come up with.

The girls are at the age where everything has to be perfect (the boys either don't care yet, or will never care). The art they come up with is so cute, too! Libby and I alternate between showing them how to make it better, and convincing them that it looks good the way they have it. "Miss Greta, are you just saying that? I know you don't mean it when your voice gets all squeaky."

The art games we play often contain shouting matches; especially, when playing Art Jeopardy, one little boy got so excited he would shout out [correct] answers at every opportunity: even if it wasn't his team's turn. He won the opposing team (known as the Needle Tools) 500 points doing that! His team mates were not too happy with him!


joyce said...

I am glad you are enjoying your classes!

Big sis said...

I can just picture the competition and the yearning voices. Go, Greta!