Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Breakfast

We will be celebrating late this year since all the married ones are spending Christmas Day with their in-laws. Tomorrow is our day, and that makes today a quiet one in this house.

The tree is ready for the hordes tomorrow.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nana's Helpers

Luke and Patrick wondered what Nana was doing: poking sticks into an orange? They wanted to help, of course. But they couldn't get those little cloves into the skin, so they sprinkled the cloves across the table. What helpers!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Graduate

Greta has her BFA!

Bachelor of Fine Arts, that is. She graduated yesterday at 1:00 pm. She was one of approximately 40 students graduating from the College of the Arts, while 400 or so graduated from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

She wore a tangle of honor cords around her neck, choosing the ones she was most proud of.

Receiving her diploma

David's on-campus job was working with the sound and film crew to record the ceremony and stream it live over the internet.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Poison Ivy

So, it turns out I have poison ivy. In December. It's all over my right cheek, under my chin, up to my eye, across my neck, and into my ear. Inside. Waaay inside my ear. So I'm quite red and hot. I threatened to paint green spots on the left side of my face to be Christmasy. What do you think?