Actually, the baby is 18 weeks old today. I get weekly emails telling me what Peep is up to - apparently kids these days are so technologically advanced they come equipped with email before they are born!
This week the baby is five and a half inches long, or about the length of a large sweet potato. Most days I feel little movements every few hours. This morning, however, Peep is being a wiggle worm. Right now it feels like popcorn is popping or my heart is beating hard inside my belly.
I am having a hard time finding things to wear right now - I can't fit into most of my regular clothes, but my maternity clothes are still too big.
On Monday I'm having an ultrasound! In the last one, at 5 weeks, the Peep looked like a grain of rice with a flicker (the heartbeat) that consumed his/her entire body. We are excited to see him/her again!