Thursday, July 12, 2012

Coming Up: Another Garage Sale

The girls and I have been working very hard all week to set up another garage sale, starting tomorrow. This time we really do have a crazy amount of stuff to sell.
My goal is to be able to keep both cars in the garage. That means that one entire wall of shelving - and all the stuff stored on it - had to go. The girls have been purging every room of their apartments, and a friend who moved donated most of the furniture shown here to our sale.
In addition to all that, a friend and I spent most of yesterday cleaning out the toddler nursery at church. We eliminated almost half the toys in there, and still plenty remain. I added those extra toys to our sale too.
  My van was stuffed with toys from the toddler room.
 Our biggest problem now is finding space to set up tables. All the floor space is taken but not everything is out yet. I'm thinking we might have to have a pre-sale tonight just to make a little room.
We can't rely on clear weather and using the driveway for the weekend since we have had thunderstorms for two nights now.

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