Hey there. I'm still around, believe it or not. If you're not friends with me on Facebook you might have thought I had disappeared or something. At any rate, now that my apartment is mostly put together (I still need to get two more dining chairs, three or four bar stools, an arm char, and a nightstand), I thought I'd put some pictures up. You'll have to forgive the picture quality - I took all of the pictures on my phone.
I also did not clean up specifically for these pictures. I've apparently turned into a neat-freak.
Dining Room - view when you walk in the door.
The Living Room - the couch in the bottom of the frame
is in the left of the frame of the first picture. The bookcases
are new as of tonight.
Arguably the most important part of the entire apartment.
Kitchen - this picture is from opposite the first picture.
Bedroom - Just a bed. What else did you expect? The door to
the bedroom is off to the left of the picture right above this.
I guess some decorations on the walls might go a long way, too. I'll get around to that once I figure out what all the light switches are for. I was hoping some would be tied to some outlets, but so far the only light switch that I have figured out that doesn't control a ceiling light was tied to the A/C compressor. Odd, you say? I would agree.
Very nice. I hear Ikea is a great art store. They have some huge art there - quick wall cover.
This is what happen when you have room for all stuff. Or no stuff for all your rooms.Looks good.RV
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