Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Vacation That Wasn't

The Professor and I were planning and looking forward to a vacation in Florida this week: warm sun, beaches, snorkeling, exploring The Keys, seafood restaurants.

Then a transmission went out, the second one this year. There went the vacation fund! So we planned an alternative vacation, one where we would enjoy the local sights and eateries we hadn't had the chance to get to yet. We began collecting as many Groupon deals, half-off coupons, and "freebies" as we could find, and researching local places of interest. We even put together a vacation binder.

The weekend arrived, and The Professor's two-week-old respiratory virus didn't seem to be improving. Then I got sick with a completely different mystery illness. When we felt better we journeyed out to a couple of quick, local places. And The Professor still sounded bad.

Today, I insisted he see the doctor, who pronounced him sick with pneumonia.

So our vacation has become a stay-at-home hospital with yummy treats of antibiotics. Oh, and Diet Coke - to soothe the fevered brow.

1 comment:

Carol Noren Johnson said...

Sorry to hear this. As the Proverb in a modern version says, "We can make our plans, but it is all in the Lord's hands."

Did you find out what is ailing the professor's wife?

Praying for you two.