Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our Human Vacuum

We find it hard to keep the floor clean enough for Patrick. Anything he finds on the floor, he eats. Ick!

It's very odd that he enjoys floor dirt so much because he won't touch jar baby food. Cheerios? Sort of ok, but he gags on them. Tiny dices of banana? Sometimes acceptable, if he's in the right mood. Miniature chunks of strawberries? Maybe, if it's Thursday. But lint, dead bugs, paper scraps, or dead leaves? Bring 'em on with a shovel!


DataLore said...

Well have you thought about leaving the cheerios on the floor??

joyce said...

LOL! That is what I was gonna say...just put his food on the floor!! Mebe it is the thrill of the hunt that intrigues him!!

Adie said...

He LOVES to clean up the cheerios on the floor! But sometimes we step on them and that makes a big mess.

Heather said...

Luke likes feeding Patrick - today I heard uproarious giggling and found Patrick standing in the middle of a big pile of cheerios and Luke stuffing cheerios in Patrick's mouth.

Yesterday at dinner, Patrick was crawling under the table, eating bits of cheese and other crumbs off the floor. Luke got a big spoonful of applesauce and tried to sneak it under the table to Patrick. I stopped him before it became an even bigger mess.

jared said...

This is simply the way Baby of Conquest develops.