Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reshuffling in the Computer Lab

Our printer broke recently. When we bought a new one, it was too big to fit where the old one had been. We puzzled over where to put it until inspiration hit. David dragged a piece of furniture from his room ~ but it didn't fit where we wanted it.

Thus began our furniture reshuffle. Our end result:

The dining-room-turned-computer lab, view from the living room. In the lower left corner is Heather's desk area; under the window in the upper left corner is David's desk; next to that is Mon's desk; to the right of that is the china cabinet; then a drop-leaf desk used as dining room storage; next is the red-roofed toy cupboard; on the far right is a "spare" desk that Greta and Chuck share. Sometimes it becomes a project table; it's purpose varies.

View from the kitchen: far left is Heather and Jared's kitchen table used as a computer desk for both of their computers; in the left corner is the little cabinet holding our new printer and paper; David's desk with the double screens is next; Mom's desk is to the right of David's; the chair in the far right corner sits at the "spare" desk.

1 comment:

Big sis said...

Well, nobody can accuse your family of wasting space. I think you're pretty creative.