Thursday, October 29, 2009


We returned from vacation to a broken washing machine:
1. A repairman visited us three times in three days, first to evaluate it, then to fix it.
2. Later that day, while busily chewing away at the ginormous pile of dirty laundry, the washer sprouted numerous water leaks.
3. On his third visit, the repairman pronounced it dead. It had lived a full life of eleven years and needed to be replaced.
4. With much gnashing of teeth, we started looking at new equipment.
5. All the salesmen pushed front loaders as being far superior to top loaders, but I wasn't convinced.
6. One salesman told us that all front loaders need to be have the door left ajar if more than a couple of days go by between loads, because mold has a tendency to build up on the door.
7. That settled it for us: our laundry closet does not allow enough room for a washer door to be left ajar, and the adjacent hallway still be passable.
8. We bought the only washer that fit our requirements: top loader, dials rather than push buttons, stainless steel tub, and in the Whirlpool family.


DataLore said...

See I told you it was still possible to buy an 'old-fashioned' washing machine..

DataLore said...

and yes I forgot about your door to door interference issue.