Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Fall Plantings

I ripped the tomato plants out last week and the bare back hill needed some dressing. Even though we're still in a bad drought, we planted three blueberry bushes......hoping to be able to harvest yummy fresh blueberries in a few years.

In the far corner of the backyard, a Razzleberri loropetalum (Chinese fringe). Suddenly it's urgent to fill in with tall shrubs along the back fence line because last week the neighbors behind us began a three story addition to their house. We're dreading the finished product. And, as a side note, we're wondering why they want to overbuild their neighborhood. It would be better to sell and move to one of the many McMansions for sale around here. Just a suggestion. And it would spare us the annoyance of a large house looming over us.We hope the new little guy will grow quickly to become as tall and wide as this brother next to the grass.

Three Wheeler's Dwarf pittosporum (mock orange): Two join their big brothers in front of the house, and this one will grow to fill the bed next to the fireplace.

1 comment:

Heather said...

That's ridiculous!!! Three stories? Too bad you can't sue for your privacy or something like that. Not that I'm a fan of frivolous lawsuits.