This is my first semester at Kennesaw State University. I've got five classes (15 credit hours): English 1101, Math 1101, Music 1107, Information Systems 2101, and KSU 1101 (basically an "intro to college" course).
Math isn't quite as bad as I was thinking it would be - still boring, but not quite as bad as high school math. I guess the biggest difference is in this course, we use real-world data so you can see how you might apply the different things you learn, while in high school it was "memorize these numbers. We don't know exactly why you need to know them, but we promise, you will, maybe, sometime a lot later."
English is mostly a creative writing class, which I can manage. Just insert a fair amount of dry humor if possible, make sure you cross the t's and dot the i's, and its all good.
The music class is quite fun - we sit in a auditorium and listen to classical music, and by the end of the course we're expected to know the difference between a few distinctions in music and musical form. It is by far my biggest class, with about 150 students. Last week, I played my bagpipes in the class after my teacher found out I played the bagpipes.
KSU 1101 is, as I said, an "intro to college" course, and aims to train you in good study habits, and stuff your mind full with lists of campus services that I am not interested in.
IS 2101 is probably the easiest class. Dubbed "Computers and Your World", it covers all of the elementary computer skills, plus a few extra things. I tried to test out of the class, but the head of the Computer Science dept suggested I don't for several reasons - but mostly because they didn't have any test written up for it yet, and by the time they did, it would have caused more headaches to try to test out of it.
Today I interviewed for the Freshman Senator seat on the Student Government Association. SGA pays 1/4 of your tuition per semester, which should cover books for that semester. For now, at least. I'll find out Thursday if I have been appointed to the seat.