-Luke can climb on, and as of yesterday, OFF of the file boxes and piano-hinge boxes we use to block the computer and grown up books.
-He has incorporated eyebrow-raising into his facial expression repertoire
-He clicks his tongue on purpose -Jared taught him how to clap last week, and is immensely proud of it. Every morning Jared would say "Let's clap!" and clap Luke's hands together. Now when we say "Yay Luke!" Luke claps by himself.
-He plays peekaboo by ducking behind furniture-He understands the sign language symbol for "eat" and will come crawling to me, laughing, when I ask him if he wants to eat. He also will help himself if given the opportunity.
-He has a renewed interest in the pacifier now that he can pick it up and put it in his mouth the right way.
-Yesterday he figured out that he could push his vintage wooden walker around and walk holding onto it
-He can turn the pages of a board book one by one