Luke is 8 weeks old today. He weighs over 12 pounds and is quickly outgrowing his first set of baby clothes, including my favorite little train outfit.
Luke's eyes are definitely blue, to stay. His hair is slowly growing back in, except for the fringe above his neck that never fell out.
He doesn't sleep much during the day (except in the car), but makes up for it by sleeping in several 6-8 hour stretches at night. He will happily entertain himself for long periods of time by looking at lights, or out the window; looking at interesting toys dangling above him; grinning at Mommy in the grocery store; and shoving both fists in his mouth at the same time.
Yeah, Jared likes to shove his fists in his mouth, too. I saw him do it just the other day!! Heh, heh!!
I leave town for three weeks, come back and WOW! Who's the blue eyed boy?
Cha, cha cha, changes... (David Bowie)
He really IS VERY handsome. But then, he DOES have a alot going for him in the Noren/Leonard gene pool,
I love the pictures!
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